Here Is The Most Frequently Asked Questions.
Quisque blandit dolor risus, sed dapibus dui facilisis sed. Donec eu porta elit. Aliquam porta sollicitudin ante, ac fermentum orci mattis et. Phasellus ac nibh eleifend, sagittis purus nec, elementum massa.
T4 Slips will be available on or before February 28 each year. T4 slips will be emailed to the email on file.
We will provide a standard letter of employment upon request. The signature will be electronic.
The letter will confirm the following information:
- Name
- Job title/position
- Current salary/ hourly rate
- Start date
- End date (if applicable)
To request a verification of employment letter, submit a request with a completed Verification of Employment and Earnings form attached to the Payroll.
If you require a Record of Employment, please submit a request through email to Payroll.
All ROEs are submitted electronically to Service Canada. You can log into the Service Canada website to start your claim or print your own copy of the ROE.
A Record of Employment (ROE) is used by Service Canada to determine whether an individual qualifies for Employment Insurance benefits, the benefit rate, and the duration of the employee’s claim.
An ROE is produced when an employee:
- Quits his/her job
- Is laid off or terminated
- Is on a Leave of Absence (eg. Maternity, Parental or Sick leave)
- Has had within the last 52 weeks or since the last ROE, seven consecutive calendar days without work and insurable earnings from the employer
If your employment has been terminated and you plan to make a claim for Employment Insurance, Service Canada requires a record of your employment history and earnings. A record of employment is only issued to terminated employees with a minimum of a 7-day break between employments. No paper record is produced. Electronic submissions go directly to Service Canada.
If you require a Record of Employment, please contact Payroll.
In anticipation of issuing the T4 Statement of Remuneration tax slips on or before February 28, Transource payroll operations would like to ensure that your address on file is correct. To ensure your address is updated in time, please update your primary address by January 31.
We cannot offer tax advice. Please contact the Canada Revenue Agency if you require assistance filing your income tax return. For more information, visit the CRA website.
If you are a student, senior, person with a disability, a newcomer to Canada, or a low-income earner with a simple tax-filing situation, you can contact the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) at 1-800-959-8281 to ask for help. CVITP volunteers work with members of local community organizations who can help you complete and file your return.
Learn more about the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program.
All employment income is subject to an income tax deduction, which is deducted from your earnings. How much income tax is deducted from your pay is dependent on your personal situation. Based on your personal situation, there are tax exemptions that you can claim to reduce your income tax deduction amount immediately at the source, or you may choose to wait to claim tax exemptions when you file your personal tax return each year.
- For employees who claimed amounts other than the Basic Personal Amount (BPA) Credit on the TD1 and TD1BC/TD1AB Form during the tax year — please update your tax elections in January each year.
Employees should consider completing a new form each year if they:
- are a higher earner and claim a lower BPA value
- are entitled to other credits (e.g., spouse or common-law partner)
- had claimed exemption from tax in the previous year and this no longer applies
- had requested additional voluntary income tax deductions and wish to change this amount
Please note that an employee should submit a new TD1 form at any time during the tax year if there is a change to their situation. Incorrect TD1 exemptions may lead to the inaccurate calculation and remittance of federal and provincial/territorial income tax deductions.
- For employees who wish to claim tax credit amounts other than the Basic amount — please complete a new electronic TD1 form and submit it to Payroll.
- For employees who claim only the Basic Personal Tax Credit — you do not need to complete a new TD1 every year. If a change occurs with tax implications, please complete a new electronic TD1 form and submit it to Payroll no later than seven days after the change.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI) deductions have yearly maximum contribution amounts. Once these limits are reached during the calendar year, the deductions stop for the rest of the calendar year.
Contributions to CPP and EI will commence again in January of each year which will reduce net pay. CPP and EI deduction rates are set nationally by the Canada Revenue Agency (for CPP) and the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (for EI).
Do we have your banking information? Transource preferred method of payment is direct deposit, which promotes timely payments, compliance requirements, cost reduction, and environmental awareness.
If you have not entered your banking information on your employment information form or have not provided a copy of the void cheque, likely a cheque has been mailed to your address on file. If you don’t receive a cheque within 3 weeks from the date you expect a payment, please contact Payroll.
If you are an existing employee and wish to change your payroll information, update your contact information by clicking the Update Information button, then selecting the required option.
Please also ensure that your home address is accurate on your record as this information is needed for your T4 and T4A tax forms, and will be used to send important documents by mail.
Typically you will be paid by direct deposit—the electronic transfer of a payment directly from Transource to your designated Canadian bank account. Participation in Direct Deposit is strongly encouraged as it is the most effective and efficient way to ensure you receive your pay in a timely manner.
Your pay will be deposited directly into your designated eligible Canadian chequing or savings account. Completing and submitting your banking information will now be one of the onboarding tasks for new employees at Transource, and existing employees can update this information at any time.
All employees at Transource will be paid semi-monthly. Pay for the period of 1st to 15th of the month will be paid on the last day of the same month & pay for the period of 16th to the last day of the month will be paid on the 15th of the next month.
Mauris finibus eros eu orci iaculis laoreet. In accumsan nulla ut sagittis tristique. Morbi a sollicitudin dui, quis tincidunt purus. Pellentesque eu lacinia lacus. Vestibulum tincidunt erat ac massa gravida accumsan. Suspendisse finibus commodo arcu, sed dapibus enim tincidunt in. Suspendisse pretium mollis ex, ut auctor neque pellentesque a. Morbi vel cursus odio, at interdum lorem. Pellentesque vitae eros sapien.
Fusce porta augue quis erat dignissim, id laoreet sapien pulvinar. Nullam blandit nisi ac nulla tempus, ultrices condimentum elit ultrices. Donec semper accumsan ligula, ut rutrum purus ultrices id. Aenean eleifend velit at nibh consectetur pretium. Vestibulum at justo quis ex venenatis aliquet. Ut porta, nunc sed venenatis maximus, lectus magna maximus dui, vel lobortis dui odio at ipsum. Curabitur nisl nisl, consequat in fermentum vitae, semper et dolor. Mauris cursus scelerisque dui et molestie. Vivamus sapien ex, aliquam sit amet libero non, auctor gravida nibh.
Nullam feugiat eleifend felis eu aliquam. Etiam bibendum, ante nec efficitur lacinia, lectus eros laoreet lectus, sit amet ultricies magna mi vel felis. Quisque ut varius arcu. Praesent efficitur, nisi at imperdiet luctus, tellus dui dignissim purus, et aliquam diam metus ac velit. Mauris aliquet rutrum mauris, ac tempus arcu eleifend sit amet. Integer at lacinia turpis. Morbi vehicula justo at velit facilisis, ac dictum quam sodales. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Nunc finibus, magna sed laoreet malesuada, risus libero iaculis tellus, ac consequat enim nunc sed metus. Cras a condimentum elit, vel convallis tellus. Sed mauris mi, sollicitudin eu tellus ut, efficitur scelerisque justo. Fusce id nibh ut sapien egestas consectetur sed nec arcu. Aliquam et orci nec nulla pellentesque varius. Sed mi mauris, ultricies eu pharetra eget, tincidunt eu enim. Pellentesque convallis dolor nisl.
Nunc euismod lobortis massa, id sollicitudin augue auctor vel. Integer ornare sollicitudin turpis vitae vestibulum. Curabitur faucibus ullamcorper lorem sed egestas. Pellentesque laoreet auctor eros, et consectetur eros auctor eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tortor nisi, egestas eget molestie tincidunt, tempus sed justo. Vestibulum ultricies auctor varius. Fusce consequat tincidunt dui, ac adipiscing turpis adipiscing pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus eleifend rhoncus nulla in laoreet.